Sunday 24 September 2017

嵐 - Miles Away [Eng translation]

(Translation Index: Here

嵐 - Miles Away

遥か未来へのDreamer 走り出した日のBeliever
はじまりを祝うFreedom 確かに聞こえるほら
生命の音 刻もうよ もっと
君へ送るEndless beat 巡り巡るSeason
A dreamer heading in to the distant future, a believer on the day I started running.
A freedom that celebrates beginnings, you can definitely hear it--see.
The sounds of life, let's engrave them even more deeply,
As an endless beat I'm sending you, the seasons going round and round.
諦めないYesterdayと 選んできたEverydayを
繋ぎ合わせたTomorrow 風は未来へと吹いて
エピソード 紡ごうよ もっと
手に愛を持って漕ぎ出すWith you
A yesterday I can't give up on, and the every day which I'd chosen.
Are tied with tomorrow, and the winds blowing in to the future.
This episode, let's spin it even further,
Holding love in my hands, I begin to row with you.
明日へのPromises 繰り返してくMy life
それぞれのOne way 生まれてゆくMy story
たとえMiles away いいさFaraway
放たれた光の果て 共にSailing days
Promises towards tomorrow, my life repeating itself
Each one way, giving birth to my story.
Even if you're miles away, it's ok being so far away.
At the end of this radiating light, we'll be together on our sailing days.
重なるフレーズ… 幾千の夢
Overlapping phrases, thousands of dreams.
風が歌うメロディーを 空に響くハーモニーを
僕らは感じるJoyful 時に流す涙を
何重奏も 奏でよう もっと
永遠を祈って All my love is you
A melody sung by the wind, a harmony that echoes in the sky,
The joyful that we feel, and the tears that occasionally fall,
These endless amounts of instruments, lets play them even more.
Praying for eternity, all my love is you.
君へのPromises 時を越えてくMy wish
このままOn your way 喜び描くStory
今日にSay good night 願うMorning light
まだ知らないその先へ 行こうSailing days
My promises to you, and my wish that transcends time.
Going on your way just like this, painting a story of happiness.
I'll say good night to today, and wish for the morning light.
To what's still unknown ahead of us, let's go towards our sailing days.
Overlapping phrases...
To our dreams...
Until we reach them.
遥か未来へのDreamer 走り出した日のBeliever
はじまりを祝うFreedom 巡り会うためのPromise
繰り返してゆくMy life
A dreamer heading in to the distant future, a believer on the day I started running.
A freedom that celebrates beginnings, a promise to meet once again.
My life repeating itself.

松本潤 - Baby Blue [Eng translation]

(Translation Index: Here

松本潤 - Baby Blue

Oh Baby blue 泣き出しそうな空が見てる どんなことだって全て知ってる
出会いと別れを繰り返しながら 回り続けてる
Oh Baby blue, the sky is overflowing with tears while looking down on you, knowing everything there is to know.
Going over our many meetings and farewells, again and again and again.
Everyday いろんなことがあるけれど
Everywhere 笑顔は消えはしない
Oh my life だからひとつひとつ瞳に 焼き付けよう
Every day, many things happen, but
Everywhere there are countless smiles that will never disappear
Oh my life, so let's engrave each and every one of them into our memories.
Oh Baby blue 愛しき日々よ いつまでも幸せ溢れて
Maybe true 泣かないで ほら 君だけが君らしいから
Oh Baby blue, those beloved days are forever overflowing with happiness.
Maybe true, so don't cry. See--only you can be you.
Oh Baby blue 頬を濡らすほどに分かる 花の美しさに気づく
光と影が寄り添い合いながら 世界はできてる
Oh Baby blue, the wetter my cheeks become the more I begin to understand the beauty of flowers.
As light and shadow meld together, the world is created.
Everyday ひとりぼっちの夜を抜けて
Everywhere 明日へと夢見たい
Oh my life だから心のあるがままに 生きてゆこう
Every day, I pass the nights all alone.
Everywhere, I want to dream of tomorrow.
Oh my life, so that's why I'll keep on living with the heart I have now. 
Oh Baby blue 愛しき人よ いつかまた巡り会う日まで
Maybe true 今はさよなら 見上げれば変わらぬ空
Oh Baby blue, to my beloved, until the day we can meet again
Maybe true, for now it's goodbye, but if you look up you'll see it's the very same sky.
Goodbye, tears.
くすんだ雲の向こう側 ずっと青が広がって
君に繋がっているから 歩き続けよう Oh
Beyond those dark clouds is an ever-expanding sea of blue.
We're connected, so let's keep walking forward, oh.
Oh Baby blue 愛しき日々よ いつまでも幸せ溢れて
Maybe true 泣かないで ほら 君だけが君らしいから
Oh Baby blue, those beloved days are forever overflowing with happiness.
Maybe true, so don't cry. See--only you can be you.

嵐 - 復活LOVE [Eng translation]

(Translation Index: Here

復活LOVE - Reviving Love

横殴りの雨の中 この部屋を飛び出した君は
二人の愛を試すみたいに さよならさえも言わないまま
永すぎた春に 別れを告げた
あの日からずっと 僕はまるで抜け殻さ
You ran out of this room in the pouring rain,
As if testing our love, without saying a word of goodbye.
This announced the end to our everlasting spring.
and ever since that day, I have become but a shell of my previous self.
Baby, don't you go 行かないで! 叫んでも 聞こえない
君は乗せた taxi が 水しぶきあげ遠ざかる
Never leave me here 哀しみに 崩れてゆく 一人きり
見失って恋人を諦めきれないのさ まだ
どんなことがあっても 待ち続けるよ 僕は 
「I miss you」
Baby, don't you go, don't go! Even though I'm yelling this, you can't hear me.
The taxi you stepped in to left behind a spray of rain as it took you further away.
Never leave me here, I'm broken by my grief, all alone.
I won't give up on my beloved, just because I've lost sight of them.
I'll continue to wait for you, no matter what happens.
"I miss you"
二人でいられるだけで 足りないものなどはないと
思い込んでは君の淋しさ 知らずにいたこと悔やむだけ
言葉に出したら 壊れてしまう
そんな危うさ きっと君は気づいてた
I believed that if it was just the two of us, there would be nothing else we'd need
But these thoughts led to your loneliness, and I can only regret not having noticed sooner.
If you had voiced this out, everything would have fallen apart.
And you had surely realized how dangerous that would have been.
Baby, where are you?  どこにいる? メールさえも 届かない
優しさに甘えすぎた 僕を許して ごめんね
Come back to my heart お願いさ 今すぐにも 会いたいよ
その胸に寄り添いながら 眠りにつける日々を
取り戻せるのならば 他に何もいらないさ
Baby, where are you? Where are you? Not even my texts are reaching you.
Please forgive me for being so spoiled by your kindness, I'm sorry.
Come back to my heart, I'm begging you. If I could, I wish I could see you right now.
If I could return to those days, where I slept nestled close to your heart
Then, I wouldn't need anything else.
ある晴れた 月の満ちる夜
微笑み浮かべて 舞い戻った angel
長い孤独の果てから たどり着いた この場所へ
During a clear night with a full moon
Wearing a gentle smile, my angel returned to me.
At the ends of my long period of loneliness, you've finally returned back to this place.
Baby, welcome back おかえりと 抱きしめた 僕の瞳に
溢れる涙 懐かしい唇で受け止めて
Never let you go もう二度と 離れないと 誓い合う
二人で探し当てた 本当の宝物さ
朝の光の中で 僕らはひとつになる
Baby, welcome back. Welcoming you back, I hold you tightly,
and your lips which I've missed so much catch the tears which have spilled down my face.
Never let you go, I promise we'll never be apart again.
This cherished moment in which our love is rekindled,
Is the true treasure that we've been searching for.
And in to the morning light, we become one.
"My love, 離さないよ"
"My love, I'll never let you go"
"Welcome home"

T/N: I did these a long time ago, just posting them now for storage sake.